24 Facebook statistics marketers should know in 2024

Know whether your target audience is still on Facebook? Or if you should keep investing in Facebook ads? Staying on top of the latest Facebook statistics will give you the insights you need to update your Facebook marketing strategy.

Even after all this time, Facebook continues to be the most popular social media platform with the largest user base across all platforms. Understanding statistics around its usage, demographics, marketing uses and more can help inform your marketing strategy.

So without further ado, let’s dig in.

Top 3 Facebook stats every marketer should know

Facebook usage statistics

Over the years, Facebook has become almost synonymous with social media. It continues to be the biggest social media platform and is widely popular on a global scale. Here are some of the key Facebook usage statistics to understand its popularity and inform your Facebook marketing strategy:

1. Facebook hit 3 billion monthly active users in 2023

By Q4 of 2023, monthly active users on the platform had grown to 3.065 billion after reaching the 3 billion user milestone in Q2 of 2023. Although adoption has slowed down, monthly usage is still seeing an upward trend. If your marketing efforts are also feeling stagnant, download our Facebook marketing template to reinvigorate your strategy.

A line graph showing Facebook's monthly users growing quarterly since Q3 2008 through Q4 2023.

2. Americans spend about 30.9 minutes on the platform daily

On average, American users spend about 30.9 minutes on Facebook daily. This puts it ahead of other leading platforms such as X, Instagram and even TikTok. These numbers suggest that the platform is still seeing a high level of engagement from its user base.

Facebook user statistics

Facebook may have billions of users, but how are these people using the platform? Let’s look at a few vital Facebook user statistics to find out:

3. Over two-third of all monthly users are active daily

Out of the 3.065 billion monthly active users, 2.1 billion people use the platform daily. That’s 68.6% of users who spend at least some amount of time daily on the platform.

In other words, there are billions of people your brand could potentially reach every single day. The key is to get ahead of the Facebook algorithm so you can get more organic visibility.

4. Facebook is the most popular site for people to get their news

Out of U.S. adults who regularly look to social media for their news, 30% of them head to Facebook. This is ahead of YouTube (26%), Instagram (16%), TikTok (14%) and X (12%).

Vertical bar graph showcasing the most popular social media networks for news, with 30% of US adults using Facebook for news consumption.

5. Messaging friends and family is still the top activity on Facebook

Over 72% of users say they use Facebook to message friends and family. This suggests that the platform’s “social” factor is still alive and kicking. Other popular activities on the platform are posting/sharing photos and videos (63.5%) and keeping up to date with news and events (58.7%).

A significant number of users (54.3%) follow and research brands and products on Facebook. So although it’s mostly for social, your brand can still use the platform to build authentic connections.

6. 59% of Facebook users have reached out to a brand on the platform

Social media is also commonly used for customer support requests. One survey found that 59% of Facebook users have reached out to a brand on the platform. Forty-six percent of those messages have been specifically in regards to customer care issues.

Even though Facebook is a social network, it can still be a great outlet for providing customer support and improving experiences with your brand. In fact, 76% of consumers notice and appreciate when companies prioritize customer support, regardless of network.

Facebook audience and demographics statistics

Wondering if you’re reaching the right audience on Facebook? What if your target demographic isn’t even on the platform? Here are a few Facebook stats highlighting the platform’s audience and demographics:

7. Users ages 25-34 years represent Facebook’s largest audience

Despite the platform’s reputation as a seemingly “older” network, 24.4% of Facebook users in the United States are between the ages of 25 and 34. Moreover, the platform sees higher usage among people below the age of 44.

A bar graph showcasing Facebook's user ages by age groups: 18-24 (18.8%), 24-35 (24.4%), 35-44 (18.8%), 45-54 (14.1%), 55-64 (11.6%), 65+ (12.1%).

8. Usage among teens has dropped sharply

That said, the platform’s popularity among teens has seen a significant drop. Only 33% of teens were using Facebook as of 2023. This is a sharp decline compared to the 71% who were using the platform between 2014 and 2015.

A line graph showcasing teen social media usage between 2014 and 2023.

9. Facebook has more male-identifying users than female

Facebook currently limits its reporting to male and female. And based on the data, the platform has a higher percentage of male users (56.3%) than female users (43.7%).

10. India has the largest Facebook audience size

While Facebook sees significant usage across various countries, India has the greatest number of users. Latest reports show that there are 314.6 million Facebook users in India. The United States comes next, with 175 million users.

Facebook advertising and marketing statistics

Is Facebook marketing still worth it? And are you getting the most out of your Facebook advertising strategy? Check out these Facebook ads statistics to understand advertising impact on the platform.

11. Facebook ads see an average click-through rate (CTR) of 2.50%

According to a WordStream study, Facebook ads get an average CTR of 2.50% across all industries for lead gen ads. That said, click-throughs vary for industries, with arts & entertainment, physicians & surgeons, real estate and sports & recreation sectors seeing a CTR of at least 3% and the travel industry hitting a CTR of over 6%.

Facebook traffic ads and campaigns see a lower CTR, with the average rate being 1.51% across all industries. Arts & entertainment, real estate, restaurants & food and travel all see a CTR above 2%.

12. Advertising for traffic campaigns on Facebook costs $0.83 per click

The same study found that the average cost per click (CPC) is $0.83 across all industries for traffic ads and $1.92 for lead gen ads. However, you can expect to pay much more in certain industries or campaign ads. For example, lead gen ads have a CPC of over $5 for attorneys and nearly $4 for dentists and physicians.

13. The average conversion rate is 8.25% across industries

Facebook sees a fairly high conversion rate for ads on the platform. On average, you can expect a conversion rate of about 8.25% for your Facebook ad. However, the specifics may vary depending on your industry. Arts & entertainment, dental services, industrial & commercial and real estate sectors see a significantly higher conversion rate.

A bar chart of Facebook ad benchmarks and conversion rates by industry.

14. Facebook generates the highest ROI

Needless to say, with such high conversion rates and low CPC, marketing on Facebook yields high returns. In fact, Facebook generates the highest return on investment among all other social media platforms, tied only with Instagram at 29%.

Facebook engagement statistics

With organic visibility on Facebook on the decline, it’s only natural to see a drop in engagement levels as well. But does this put Facebook at a disadvantage over other social media platforms? Here’s a quick look at some vital stats to understand where Facebook engagement:

15. The median engagement rate on Facebook is 0.063%

According to a RivalIQ study, brands see a median Facebook engagement rate of 0.063% across all industries. This puts Facebook as one of the less engaging social media platforms, beating only X/Twitter’s 0.029% engagement rate.

A graph showcasing Facebook engagement rates per post across industries.

16. Photo posts and status posts have the highest engagement

The power of visuals is still evident on Facebook, with photo posts getting the highest engagement at 0.10%. Video posts come next with an average engagement rate of 0.08%. Status posts perform fairly well with an average engagement rate of 0.06%. Link posts, on the other hand, are the worst for driving engagement. They see an average engagement rate of only 0.03%.

17. Frequent posting doesn’t result in higher engagement

Contrary to popular belief, posting frequently doesn’t necessarily result in higher engagement. As the RivalIQ study points out, influencers and higher education industry see the greatest engagement compared to their posting frequency.

A graph showcasing Facebook engagement rate per post vs. posts per week across several industries.

Influencers and higher education pages publish fewer than 10 posts per week. Meanwhile, media companies publish over 60 posts a week and only see an average engagement rate of 0.04%.

Rather than post frequency, post publishing should be a factor in your strategy. Know the best time to post on Facebook so you stand a better chance of driving engagement.

Facebook video statistics

As video marketing continues to gain popularity, it’s important to be aware of how video performs on Facebook. Here are some key Facebook video statistics to inform your strategy:

18. 50% of the time users spend on Facebook is spent watching videos

According to Facebook’s own data, about half the time spent on Facebook (and Instagram) is watching video content. This means your audience likely watches video content on the app, and creating more video can help you reach more people. We’re created a quick guide on creating a successful social media video strategy, if you need a refresher.

19. Vertical video with audio sees a 35% higher click-through rate

Facebook Reels have been popular on the app since they were created and integrated into the app from Instagram. Facebook discovered that vertical video (Reels) with audio see a 35% higher CTR than other types of video content on the platform.

Facebook feature stats (Reels, Stories, Messenger)

So, what sort of content should you post? What features are growing and what’s stagnant? Let’s review some Facebook stats that break down some of the platform’s key features, like Facebook Stories, Reels and Messenger:

20. More than 500 million people use Stories every day

According to internal Facebook data, half a billion people use Facebook Stories each day and more than 1 billion Stories shared every day across the Meta apps. This speaks to the popularity of the platform’s feature, making it a useful tool for brands to engage their audience.

21. Facebook Messenger has nearly 1 billion users

Meanwhile, there are nearly 1 billion people using Facebook Messenger. That’s almost a billion people you could potentially reach through ads on Messenger.

22. Reels hit 200 billion views per day across Facebook apps

The popularity of Reels isn’t dying out anytime soon. In fact, Reels see about 200 billion views on a daily basis across the Facebook family of apps.

With algorithms further pushing this format, Reels could help you gain visibility and engagement. In short, brands can’t afford to put this short-form video format on the back burner.

Facebook consumer behavior statistics

Finally, are people even shopping on Facebook? Here are some stats on how consumers are behaving on the platform:

23. Facebook has the highest number of social commerce buyers

According to eMarketer, US adults were more likely to make a purchase directly on Facebook in Q1 2023. However, when compared to Gen Z buyers, it’s in fourth place behind TikTok, Instagram and YouTube.

A comparison bar chart showcasing which social networks US adults are likely to make a purchase from directly for all users vs Gen Z.

24. Facebook commerce is expected to hit 64.6 million shoppers in 2024

As the most popular social media platform for commerce, there are tens of millions of shoppers on the platform. The same eMarketer study as above showcases that Facebook commerce is expected to continue to grow, reaching 64.6 million shoppers by the end of 2024.

How do these Facebook stats inform your social media strategy?

These key Facebook statistics should give you some idea of where the platform currently stands in the social media landscape. As such, you can use these to guide your strategy and understand what to prioritize. To advance your strategy even further, take advantage of different Facebook marketing tools.

Facebook statistics FAQs

How do I find my Facebook stats?

You can find your Facebook Page’s unique Facebook stats by logging into your business page and heading to your Facebook Insights.

What are statistics for Facebook Reels?

Facebook Reels have been popular on the app since integrated from Instagram. Facebook Reels with audio see a 35% higher CTR than other types of video content on the platform. And across Facebook and Instagram, Reels see about 200 billion views daily.

Is Facebook still growing?

Facebook adoption is seeing slow growth and still hit 3 billion monthly active users by the end of Q4 2023. US Facebook users are still spending around 31 minutes per day on the platform.

What are the demographics of Facebook?

As of January 2023, Facebook has a higher percentage of male users (56.3%) than female users (43.7%). And the largest age demographic of Facebook users in the United States are between the ages of 25 and 34.

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