Art sale and silent auction will benefit Las Vegas Arts Council

Art sale

The Las Vegas Arts Council will be having a silent auction benefit fundraiser on Saturday, March 30 from Noon to 7pm at Cafe Colibri, 1814 Plaza, with live music by local performer Ed Breedlove who will be introducing his new cd. 

The Arts Council is taking art donations that can be any art form: 2D and 3D art, and art books that people want to pass on that need a new home.

“Since the COVID pandemic and the wildfires, the Arts Council has been suffering from low membership and few sponsorships.

“We are seriously short of cash, and the board has decided that we may have to go to an all-volunteer business model as soon as March 27,” said Council Board Member Carrie Williams.

The funds raised will be used immediately for administrative expenses such as Internet, Web, software for community events calendar, accounting, insurances, and even to rehire a part time office coordinator.  Later, funds will be used as reserves to launch this summer’s People’s Faire and to bring back the Missoula Children’s Theater experience.

“We weren’t able to reserve a time for the Missoula group to come to Las Vegas this year, due to lack of money,” Council Board President Richard Lindeborg said. 

The arts council uses its Gallery at 140 Bridge St. to host a weekly watercolor meet up, themed group shows, high school art shows and other events. 

Tentatively called “Other People’s Art,” the benefit will feature art by local artists donated by the artists or by local art collectors.  Williams and current Council Office Coordinator Aneata O’Brien are organizing the event.

“Since the COVID pandemic and the wildfires, the Arts Council has been suffering from low membership and few sponsorships,” said Williams.

Artists or others who wish to donate art works to this event can deliver them to Gallery 140 at140 Bridge Street on the following dates: Thursday March 21 2-4 pm; Friday March 22 1-7 pm; Saturday March 23 1-4 pm; Thursday March 28  2-4 pm or Friday March 29 1-4pm. Also you can email at to arrange drop off.

“The Arts Council has given so many artists a chance to exhibit and sell their works over the years, it is a shame to see the organization suffering,” said O’Brien.

Café Colibri (formerly Traveler’s Café) is managed by Kitty Ballard. She has generously donated her space for the silent auction.

Everyone can help by buying or bidding on the art at the event or donate by sending a check directly to the Las Vegas Arts Council, PO Box 2603, Las Vegas, NM 87701. The council can be reached by email at or (505) 451-4388.

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