Exhibition awards showcasing American Women Artists Master Signature members announced March 1, 2024, at Tubac Center of the Arts, AZ. Exhibit through April 14
— Sandra Harris, Executive Director
ST. LOUIS, MO, USA, March 26, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Awards for the exhibition showcasing American Women Artists Master Signature members were announced March 1, 2024, at Tubac Center of the Arts, Tubac, AZ. Awards given were: Best of Show $1,000 cash award to Daniela Werneck for Let the Light In, Watercolor 24×18, Award of Excellence $750 cash award to Linda Glover Gooch for Summer Monsoon, Oil, 24×30, Award of Merit $500 cash award to Kirsten Kokkin for Flight V, Bronze 24x14x10, two Honorable Mention Awards $250 each to Lany for Vantage Point, Oil, 20×12 and Laurie Kersey for Peaceful Pasture, Oil, 20×24, and a Digital and Print feature from Fine Art Connoisseur to Dyana Hesson for Cosmos from Chaos Southwestern Cosmos, South Fork, Little Colorado River, AZ, Oil 28×22. Pieces can be viewed on ShowSubmit.com. All works are for sale.
The Awards Juror for the exhibition was Christine C. Brindza who serves as Senior Curator and James and Louise Glasser Curator of Art of the American West at the Tucson Museum of Art and Historic Block (TMA) in Tucson, Arizona. She has produced large exhibitions such as More Than: Expanding Artist Identities from the American West and The Western Sublime: Majestic Landscapes of the American West, as well as exhibitions that focus on cultural and regional relevance such as A Look Back: Works from the Women Artists and the West Show and Sale at the Tucson Museum of Art. Christine has a Master of Arts and a Bachelor of Arts degrees from Duquesne University and is a PhD Candidate at the University of Arizona in Art History and Education.
This show continues through April 14, 2024 and features 50+ paintings and sculptures by the subset of members of American Women Artists (AWA) who either have been instrumental in the organization’s history or have been chosen as Master Signature level artists based on stringent criteria around their work, careers, and involvement with AWA. Other participants include Nancy Boren, Ginger Bowen, Ellen Buselli, Carol Carter, Judy Crowe, Sandy Delehanty, Carmen Drake, Christine Drewyer, Sharon Fullingim, Lisa Gleim, Paula Holtzclaw, Kim Kori, Diane Mason, Sally Maxwell, Elizabeth Pollie, Diana Reuter-Twining, Rosetta, Sherry Blanchard Stuart, Carol Swinney, and Liz Wolf.
Sandra Harris, Executive Director of AWA, said, “AWA is thrilled to partner with Tubac Center of the Arts in southern Arizona where our organization had its first shows to honor the work of our Master Signature and Heritage Members who represent both history and future of our organization.”
American Women Artists is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the inspiration, celebration, and encouragement of women in the visual fine arts. AWA began over 30 years ago and uses the power of collaboration to connect women artists and provide resources and opportunities to advance their careers. The 25 in 25 juried exhibition initiative was launched to highlight the work of its members and inspire dialog about the importance of gender equity in museum exhibitions.
Sandra Harris
American Women Artists
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