Bravo, the taxi in Fez.. videos are invading social networking sites so that the public knows “with whom God has gathered us around”

In a sincere expression of their patriotic feeling, and of Moroccans’ attachment to national constants and to the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco over all its lands, the second-class taxi professionals in Fez (small taxis) took the initiative to decorate the rear windows of their cars with a map of the honorable Kingdom of Morocco.

Videos documenting the moment spread like wildfire on social media, and the pioneers shared them widely.

This comes within the framework of the file of what has become known as the “Shirt Incident,” in which Cabranat showed Algeria once again, to the world, “with whom God has gathered us in the neighbourhood,” in the words of the late, God willing, King Hassan II, may God rest his soul.

From: Fez News website

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