MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) – Mother’s Day marks the last day of the TV6 Craft Show. Vendors spent the weekend in the Superior Dome selling hand-made items like jewelry, baked goods and art. They said the turnout was decent. Stix and Stonz MQT co-owner Joan Nystrom said she had a good show.
She worked with her mother to create holistic and healing jewelry. The baltic amber and Canadian hazelwood used in the jewelry are natural pain relievers.
“We’re getting people buying from all walks of life,” Nystrom said. “I mean, you know, you do have your alternative people that do understand the concept of a holistic and healing piece of jewelry, but you have other people who are just interested in helping their pain management.”
Nystrom and her mother are both cancer survivors. Ten percent of proceeds go to Cancer Care of Marquette County. She recommended that other artists attend the next Mother’s Day craft show.
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