Fairfield Arts Commission to Host Next Artist Networking Event on Sept. 20

Fairfield, CT – The Town of Fairfield’s Arts Commission invites all artists, creatives and enthusiasts to join them at their next “Fairfield Arts Mixer”, which will be held on Friday, Sept. 20 from 4-5:30pm at the Fairfield University Quick Center for the Arts, 1073 North Benson Road on the University’s campus in Fairfield. The lobby concessions bar will be open for beverage purchases.

The “Arts Mixer” networking event is an outgrowth from the Community Conversation on the Arts workshop that the Fairfield Arts Commission held earlier this year.

“We heard from participants that they were looking for opportunities to meet and engage with other artists,” remarked Fairfield Arts Commission member Katie Lang, who is hosting this event. “The Commission felt that holding regular networking events at different venues throughout Town was something that we could do fairly quickly and didn’t require a lot of resources,” agreed Commission Chair Charlie MacDonald. He noted that the Arts Commission is looking to hold these mixers quarterly.

In addition to the networking event, the Quick Center for the Arts will also be hosting the opening of the Walsh Gallery’s Sacred Space: A Brandywine Workshop and Archive Print Exhibition. A lecture, from guest curator Juanita Sunday, with spoken word performance by Lauren Horn, will take place in the Kelley Theatre beginning at 5:30PM. Following the lecture, there will be a reception in the lobby featuring a performance by Iyaba Mandingo. For more information about the gallery’s new exhibition, please visit their event page.

The event is free of charge, but advanced registration is strongly encouraged as space is limited. To register, please go here. For further information, please contact the Office of Community & Economic Development via email at arts@fairfieldct.org.


Submitted by Mary Alice Limperopoulos

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