Florida House leader pushes social media restrictions, porn viewer age verification

During his opening remarks on the first day of Florida’s legislative session, House Speaker Paul Renner railed against social media and pornography websites — and children’s access to them.

“We will take bold steps like age verification to rescue our children from technology that cripples their sense of self-worth and purpose,” the Palm Coast Republican said. “Similarly, where pornography is concerned, the rules for adults cannot be the same for children. We cannot stand by and allow children to access hardcore pornography, and we plan to do something about it.”

He was outlining two priority bills that have created huge First Amendment questions:

— One proposal (HB 1) would require age verification and restrict social media use by minors under age 16.

— Another (HB 3) requires age verification for porn website viewership.

Speaker of the House Paul Renner presents gives remarks during opening day of the 2024 Florida Legislative Session on Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2024.

“Call it a culture war if you want, but it is another battle to defend common sense against those who want to obliterate the distinction between adulthood and childhood – and it is a battle we intend to win,” Renner said.

Critics have accused some recent laws from Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Republic-led Legislature as being part of a “culture war,” such as the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law that restricts classroom instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation and others than have led to a barrage of book removals in Florida school libraries.

Florida wouldn’t be the first state to focus on limiting minor’s access to social media and porn websites.

Several states passed social media age verification laws last year, according to MultiState, a government relations company. Controversy has followed.

For example, a federal judge temporarily blocked a verification law in Arkansas, ruling it likely infringed on the public’s First Amendment rights.

“Culture war” term controversial:Culture war? Banned books? Controversial terms in a fiery time in Florida

More info about HB 1 and HB 3:Bill sponsored by Brevard Rep. Sirois would restrict social media use by those under age 16

And eight states have passed pornographic age verification laws, according to the National Decency Coalition.

But the rollout hasn’t been smooth. Many porn sites have simply blocked access to their websites rather than implement age verification measures, citing privacy concerns because of the personal identifying information involved.

The laws have also been met with litigation. A federal judge struck down a Texas law down, saying it violates the First Amendment, while a different judge upheld a Utah verification law.

Florida legislation already stirring up debate

The Florida bills are already generating controversy. The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida said in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, “Floridians want less government regulation of speech, not more. These bills are solutions looking for problems.”

In a Tuesday afternoon press conference, House Democratic Leader Fentrice Driskell said, “We want to make sure our kids are protected, but we also have to pass policies in a smart way.”

“I’m not sure how they’re going to enforce it,” she said about the social media bill. “Why do we continue to intervene in a parent’s ability to raise their kid and their family how they want to?”

And Driskell said she had doubts about the enforceability and constitutionality of both bills.

“It just feels like more of waging culture wars,” she said. “Let’s have real, open, honest dialogue about what it would mean to protect our kids.”

This reporting content is supported by a partnership with Freedom Forum and Journalism Funding Partners. USA Today Network-Florida First Amendment reporter Douglas Soule is based in Tallahassee, Fla. He can be reached at DSoule@gannett.com. On X: @DouglasSoule

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