Where to See Houston’s Most Exciting Emerging Artist Right Now
Houstonia’s The Must List tells you about something going on in Houston that you absolutely cannot miss.
It’s not hyperbole to call Morgan Newton one of today’s most exciting emerging Houston artists. The second show of her career, The South Got Something to Say at Sanman Studios downtown, reveals that she’s already well on her way to someday being mentioned in the same breath as local visual arts legends like JooYoung Choi, Trenton Hancock Doyle, and Rachel Hecker. She presents an assured, cohesive vision that intentionally bridges cultural gaps between the experiences of Black women in the South and viewers who recognize their own lives in the terrestrial and human geographies in her works. Night skies full of planets and stars bring this theme together, which is on view until February 1.
“I wanted to do the whole universal background with it, because when I was younger, I used to visit my great aunt and uncle in South Park,” Newton says. “He had a telescope, and we would look at the stars over South Park…I was thinking, ‘What if I got to create my own universe and show people what that looked like?’”
In Newton’s universe, her family dances ebulliently in their kitchen. Women show off their braids, jewelry, and sets as planets unto themselves, lit from behind by sparkling starlight. Houston iconography knits together in celebratory collages full of swangas, Timmy Chan signs, Celebration Station, chicken and waffles, and other reminders of our city’s shared cultural touchpoints.