The Art Game, details yet to be announced, is “all about the world of buying and selling art” with pairs given a challenge that requires them to “master the art of persuasion”.
Production company Stellify Media are making the show for the BBC, calling it an “exciting” addition for the broadcaster.
Stellify Media are casting for the BBC show. (Image: Stellify Media)Winners will be given a “life-changing big cash prize”. Applicants do not need any prior experience but must be over 18. The show is expected to air in 2025.
A spokesperson for Stellify Media said: “We’re looking for fun pairs (18+) from Somerset who are up for the challenge with the chance of winning a big cash prize.
“We are looking for people who are confident, got a knack for selling and reckon they’ve mastered the art of persuasion.”
Those wishing to apply can email with their name and number.