Farmers’ protest escalates: Crackdown on social media sparks outcry-Afternoonnews

Farmers are marching towards Delhi, demanding minimum price fixation for produce. Two years ago, their protest stalled the new agricultural laws, but due to BJP Government’s reluctance to implement other demands, a similar protest has erupted again.
As the negotiations have colapsed, a tensed situation has emerged in the states of Punjab and Haryana. Thousands of  farmers have gathered in one location to protest, and the government has taken action to put an end to it.A rubber bullet fired by police killed a young farmer.It has been claimed that the Union Government is complicit in this situation in restricting the freedom of expression.The right to protest has been recognised by the Supreme Court itself.  But the  Government has responded by taking action to block the social media accounts of struggling agricultural organisations and X website accounts that support farmers’ legal demands.This claim was not made by the opposition parties but by the “X” company.
People belonging to agricultural organizations, agricultural experts and general public are sharing videos related to farmers’ struggle on the X website. In a press release officially released by X Group, it has said, “The Government of India has made an offical request to block all accounts that post about a specific event (farmers’ protest). We do not agree with their claim as it is against the right of expression. However, as they have approached as per the legalistic definition, we are unable to deny it. Also, the blocking of these website accounts is enforced only in India. There is no ban on these accounts in other countries.
Through this, the politics of the BJP government against the right of expression has been revealed beyond India to the world. So far, around 30 lakh people have watched this show worldwide.
Social networking sites are now used as global platforms for copyright. It is a gradual advancement in technology. To stop riots from spreading, the website must be disabled where they are occurring. However, social activists are afraid that people’s right to free speech will be violated by such acts!

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