Friends of Coal smartphone app now available to show industry support

CHARLESTON — West Virginians and residents of other states who consider themselves to be “a friend of coal” have a new way to show their support.

The West Virginia Coal Association in partnership with America’s Coal Associations have launched the “Friends of Coal” app, which is described as “an interactive and educational portal designed to equip users with a direct link to current information and issues impacting West Virginia’s and our nation’s coal industry.”

“We encourage all friends of coal, whether in West Virginia or across the country, to download the new Friends of Coal app,” West Virginia Coal Association President and CEO Chris Hamilton said in a press release. “It’s a wonderful tool for coal supporters to communicate and engage on issues important to the mining industry and our local economies.”

Hamilton said the app, which was designed by South Charleston, W.Va.-based internet firm Bricks Without Straw, provides users access to coal industry information, social media feeds, action alerts and more. The app also allows users to purchase the popular Friends of Coal sticker, which this week, features an American flag designed sticker.

“These stickers bring together miners, families, and supporters, creating a unified front that celebrates our coal mining heritage and advocates for the prosperity of the industry,” states the Friends of Coal website.”

Registered as a 501(c)6 lobby organization, Friends of Coal is a volunteer organization that “consists of tens of thousands of West Virginians and citizens across the country.” Membership is free and the level of involvement by members is at their own discretion.

According to its mission statement, Friends of Coal is dedicated to informing and educating citizens about the coal industry and its vital role in West Virginia’s and the country’s future. The organization’s goal is to provide a united voice for an industry that has been and remains a critical national and global economic contributor.

The Friends of Coal app is available for download on both the Google Android and Apple iPhone platforms.

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