Even getting hyper-specific with keywords in your Etsy search likely won’t prevent AI artwork from turning up on the results page. Since there’s no way to weed AI art out with 100% effectiveness, you might be wise to begin training your eyes to spot mistakes many AI programs make when replicating artwork. It may not be as easy to learn how to spot those mistakes, however, as Google Creative Lab artist Ari Melanciano recently told Wired, “I can barely tell the difference now.” Difficulties aside, several artists claim there are a few specific things to look out for in AI art on Etsy and other online retailers.
First and foremost, it seems AI image generators have problems rendering human hands and tend to position them in unusual configurations on finished works. Concept artist Logan Preshaw told Wired that eyes in AI artwork are often noticeably off too, claiming, “The eyes can be a little bit funky as well,” he said, going on to add, “Maybe they’re just kind of dead and staring out into nowhere, or they have strange structures.” Meanwhile, some other artists claim AI-generated works tend to lack narrative logic and intent as programs have no practical understanding of design, functionality, and, perhaps more importantly, humanity.
Given the speed with which AI programs continue to learn and adapt, it may not be long before even those tell-tale signs are eliminated. For now, Etsy shoppers will simply need to remain hyper-vigilant in seeking out authentic works of art on the site.