It’s the #1 Reason to Ow…

Social media’s Whimsical decommissioning of features on their platforms is the number one reason to start your own website.

On August 21st, 2021, Linkedin Marketing Solutions published on LinkedIn they are decommissioning Stories. A comment by user Anita Wong says it all:

Always difficult to play catch up when you’re copying someone else, creating a unique video experience that’s unique to LinkedIn sounds far better!

All Legacy social media platforms should be ashamed of themselves for becoming too cumbersome and bureaucratic.

The Origins of Stories

In 2012, Facebook bought a photo-sharing startup called Instagram. At the time there were only 13 employees, so a one billion buyout seemed like an act of irrational exuberance.

In 2013, a 2011 startup called Snapchat created Stories. In 2016 Instagram created a Snapchat version of Stories on its platform. In 2017, YouTube created Stories on their platform. Have you ever seen one or created one? In 2020, LinkedIn and Pinterest created Stories on their platforms.

For Pinterest, Stories make sense. They are a direct rival to Instagram. But it’s not about stealing, or in the water down version “borrow your competitors ideals.” These companies prevent fresh ideas from coming to the floor, and in the case of Facebook, NBC news has reported on a lawsuit involving app developers alleging an anticompetitive scheme.

The legend of Steve Jobs is that he returned to Apple with a disgruntled workforce complaining about Microsoft. He immediately shut that shyt down. In the return of Steve Jobs at the helm of Apple, Microsoft would no longer be seen as a rival. In fact, he had no rivals nor competitors and brought us fresh ideas. That culture still exists today as Tim Cook is constantly reminding lawmakers and the General Public that “eating off your data and you don’t get too, is not our business model.”

I don’t use many social media platforms, but the ones I do use are constantly commissioning and decommissioning features. For me, it was Facebook Business Pages. Having played by the rules and not bought bots, I was able to grow a couple of pages to over a hundred thousand followers. But how did that effort benefit me today? It doesn’t. Facebook drastically has reduced the amount of followers who are exposed to one’s Facebook Business Page post. It is from that experience, my heart bleeds for the content creators who created Stories on LinkedIn.

Artist Social Network is a digital publisher of the Arts; focusing on the marketing and promotional needs of the independent artist. We believe, in order for an artist to have a successful career in their craft, they must think like, and act like, a small business.

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