In a world filled with chaos, finding solace in the simple joys of everyday life becomes paramount. Take Monyee Chau, an artist who stumbled upon the peculiar remedy of dressing up their cat, Moro, in a flower cat costume to prevent him from meddling with houseplants. This seemingly mundane act of togetherness sparked an idea — a collection that celebrates the normal yet profound moments of everyday life, and it led to a new artist collaboration with Starbucks.
Inspired by personal experiences and cultural heritage, Chau brings forth a collection under the Starbucks Artist Collaboration Series. This lineup, set to debut in U.S. stores this summer, honors Asian, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.
Chau’s upbringing in Seattle’s Chinatown-International District, rooted in family and tradition, echoes through their artwork. Each design in the collection bears Chau’s signature, paying homage to their familial ties and cultural roots.
The collection comprises three distinct pieces of drinkware — a 24-ounce cold cup, a 16-ounce stainless steel tumbler, and a 14-ounce ceramic mug. Each item intricately portrays scenes from Chau’s life, featuring Moro the cat as a central character.
“I think a sense of community organizing and being with people who are like-minded and want to build beautiful things and a beautiful life together has been really important,” Chau said. “I wanted to embrace togetherness and celebrate that.”
24-Ounce Cold Cup
The 24-ounce cold cup depicts a cozy home scene, illustrating Chau and their partner tending to a houseplant while Moro observes. Hand-drawn details add texture, enhancing the sense of comfort and familiarity.
16-Ounce Stainless Steel Tumbler
The 16-ounce stainless steel tumbler portrays Chau embarking on new adventures, accompanied by their feline companion. It encapsulates the essence of embracing life’s journeys, no matter how mundane they may seem.
14-Ounce Ceramic Mug
Meanwhile, Moro takes the spotlight in the 14-ounce ceramic mug, exuding a playful yet fierce demeanor with a petal hood reminiscent of a lion’s mane.
Through these designs, Chau aims to evoke feelings of happiness and contentment derived from life’s simple pleasures. The collection serves as a reminder to cherish moments of togetherness, especially amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic.
Beyond the merchandise, Starbucks reaffirms its commitment to fostering inclusivity and diversity. As part of Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month, Starbucks celebrates the rich cultural tapestry woven by these communities, emphasizing the importance of belonging and sharing cultural values.