Pratik Sehajpal who has been part of Khatron Ke Khiladi and Bigg Boss is focusing on acting. The actor feels that one must keep working on themselves and trying to achieve goals. Sharing about his plans for the coming year, he says, “I surely want to do films and some great web series in 2025. I just believe that everything that’s happening is in the right direction. Every day is a new learning experience.”
In recent years, social media has seen a rise and many actors put an effort to have a presence on the platforms. Pratik too keeps sharing about his work online, sharing about the pressure of being on social media, he says, “Sometimes I enjoy putting posts on social media. But I would just say one thing, social media is not the basis of judgment. It should never be the basis of judgment for any artist or any actor.”
The Naagin 6 actor further adds, “I also believe that social media is important because nowadays, the world is so digitalized. Everything you know. Recognition and all that is very important on social media. But it should not be the only thing, the only basis for judgment or work. When people think that actors should get work as per their social media following, that’s wrong. If I compare myself to many others, then I’ll also sit at home. So I focus on doing work and not worrying about the results.”
Pratik Sehajpal: Social media is not the basis of judgment for any artist or actor