In a context where young people’s use of screens is leading to physical and mental health problems, the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec (FMSQ) is proposing that the provincial government prohibit anyone under the age of 14 from creating an account on social networks.
On Thursday, FMSQ president Dr. Vincent Oliva shared the recommendations made by medical specialists with elected officials as part of the Special Commission on the Impact of Screens and Social Networks on the Health and Development of Young People.
From the ages of 14 to 16, he suggests that registration on social networks should be authorized only with parental consent and supervision. Digital majority should be set at age 16, when users could manage their accounts autonomously.
The FMSQ suggests banning the use of cell phones at school and limiting the use of screens to educational purposes only. It would also be useful to set up Wi-Fi-free areas in schools.
The government should also introduce digital citizenship workshops in schools to raise awareness of online risks and best practices, and invest in specialized cyberaddiction centres, the group suggests.
The major digital platforms cannot remain on the sidelines of the debate, Dr. Oliva told the committee. “They must be called upon and agree to collaborate in this collective project, which transcends geographical borders,” he declared.
The major platforms must block inappropriate content to prevent young people from accessing sexual, violent, or hateful content, he said. Dr. Oliva also expects the major platforms to restrict online misinformation.
At the end of September, it was announced TikTok Canada and Meta Canada were withdrawing from the Special Commission on the Impact of Screens and Social Networks on the Health and Development of Young People. The hearings of the two web giants have been postponed several times.
At a press briefing, CAQ MNA and Commission Chair Amélie Dionne indicated that discussions were underway with Meta Canada for a possible appearance, but for the time being, Meta Canada is still not on the schedule.
More trouble at school
Experts who spoke on Thursday stressed that screen use among young people is a public health issue.
Young people learned to use digital platforms before their parents did. “We have a whole generation who have learned to use these social networks without any parental supervision or guidance. There’s a reason why rates of distress, depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety disorders, eating disorders and ADHD are all on the rise in Quebec,” says psychiatrist Karine Igartúa.
Science shows a clear link between excessive screen use and negative impacts. Consequences include cognitive impairment, language delays, sleep disruption and mental disorders, among others. “What we do know for sure is that unsupervised, age-inappropriate or developmentally inappropriate use amplifies certain risks,” explained Dr. Oliva.
He said parents have a central role to play, but they need tools and support. To properly supervise their child’s use of screens, Dr. Oliva shared several tips for parents. Firstly, to be role models in their own use of screens, limit screens before bedtime for everyone – even themselves – proscribe screens for toddlers, educate young people about the risks of social networks and reduce micro-transactions, and protect minors from abusive practices.
Elected officials also heard from Yohann St-Pierre, a pediatrician working in hospitals in Rimouski and also in outpatient clinics in Rimouski, Matane and Amqui. He described how his profession has changed in recent years. He now devotes much of his time to educating parents about the consequences of screens, a sometimes arduous discussion.
“Screens, I think, are the most difficult subject to broach with patients and families, and that’s where we often hit our wall in intervention because most are not yet aware of this issue, which sometimes causes or continues the vicious circle of problems for which they come to see us,” he said.
Dr. St-Pierre says that half of his time is dedicated to patients with developmental delays. He does a lot of academic assessments. He sees a significant increase in behavioral problems in early childhood, but also during school age. Adolescents also have their share, he says.
“The status quo can’t go on … because it’s probably one minute past midnight,” said the pediatrician.
–This report by La Presse Canadienne was translated by CityNews