R&B artist AKIA talks about her ‘Soft Girl Era’ single, and Beyoncé

R&B artist AKIA. Photo Credit: Banova

R&B artist AKIA chatted about her new single “Soft Girl Era,” being a part of the digital age, and her dream to one day collaborate with Beyoncé.

Idea for her ‘Soft Girl Era’ single

On the origin of “Soft Girl Era,” she said, “It started off as a poem that I wrote in my journal about a year ago. I always find myself in an infuriated place because of my past and present circumstances.”

“While writing the poem, it felt like an affirmation, a new guide to a new mindset. All the pain, suppressed feelings, that had hardened me, were no longer needed and it was time to embrace a new era of me, a softer life,” she said.

Music and songwriting inspirations

On her music and songwriting inspirations, she shared, “My music is inspired by things that I go through, whether it’s romantic relationships, friendships, family or things that I’ve seen. I write down concepts and share them with my collaborators during studio sessions.”

The digital age

On being an artist in the digital age, she remarked, “Today, is easier than the past because now all you have to do is post yourself consistently on different apps, whether it’s TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.”

“Now, millions of people across the world have the opportunity to see you with one tap. In comparison to the past, you had to actually get out, hit the streets and travel to promote yourself, and it cost way more money,” she added.

Future plans

Regarding her future plans, she said, “My immediate plans are to tour and promote my single ‘Soft Girl Era,’ also to complete my debut album, and work with other artists and producers. I want to collaborate with different brands in the fashion and beauty world.”

“As far as my long-term plans, I want to win some Grammy Awards, sell millions of records, perform at the BET Awards, and create my own cosmetic line. Also, I want to build a music school for inspiring artists from my hometown of Forrest City, Arkansas,” she added.

Advice for young and emerging artists

For young and emerging artists, she said, “Stay positive, stay consistent, and never give up! If you have to leave from where you are from, don’t be scared to do so.” 

Dream collaboration choice in music: Beyoncé

AKIA listed Beyoncé as her dream collaboration choice in music.


On her definition of the word success, she revealed, “To me, success, is to have a plan, following through with it, and executing it.” 

Closing thoughts on ‘Soft Girl Era’

For her fans and listeners, she remarked about “Soft Girl Era,” “It is about pushing your masculine tendencies aside and allowing your feminine energy to flourish.”

“It is already a social movement in society right now, that’s all about soft life, self discovery, and positive energy. This song is just an anthem for the movement,” she concluded. 

“Soft Girl Era” is available on digital service providers by clicking here.

To learn more about AKIA and her new music, follow her on Instagram.

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