Salon Jane and the Center for Photographic Art announce a new cash prize for photography.

Salon Jane, a six-photographer artist collective formed in Monterey in 2014, is making news again this month, after an opening at the Carl Cherry Center for the Arts on Nov. 9 (on display through Nov. 30).

“Along with the Center for Photographic Art, we are introducing the Salon Jane Award for Women in Photography, an annual $1,000 cash prize,” Robin V. Robinson of Salon Jane writes in an email.

Beginning in 2024, any woman who has been selected for the annual CPA International Juried Exhibition, either in the main gallery or the web gallery, is eligible. The juror will choose the winning image and award the $1,000 prize. 

The prize will be awarded on Saturday, Nov. 23, at CPA at the opening of its International Juried Exhibition. The prize is chosen by the juror of that exhibit, selected from among those who were selected for the show.

“We are excited to support women in the arts and encourage women’s creativity in photography,” Robinson adds.

Over the past 10 years, the members of Salon Jane have strived to create a safe environment for artistic risk-taking, inspiration and creative evolution. The group exhibits their photographic work at galleries and museums. Salon Jane members are Martha Casanave, Susan Hyde Greene, Jane Olin, Anna Rheim, Robin V. Robinson and Robin Ward. At their regular meetings, they share feedback about their work through hours of in-depth discussion and hold space for art-related life challenges. 

The Monterey Peninsula has a long tradition of photography set forth by Edward Weston, Ansel Adams and others. However, the artists of Salon Jane inhabit an island of innovation that pushes against the strict boundaries of that tradition. Each member artist nods to tradition, but works to expand on it.

The new award will be given to a female artist, with the intention of encouraging women artists to create and to promote more women in the arts.

This prize will be announced at the opening of the IJE exhibition on Saturday, Nov. 23 at 4-6pm at the Center for Photographic Art (inside the Sunset Center at San Carlos Street and 9th Avenue, Carmel).,

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