Saturday Art Market opens May 25 at Big Ole Park

ALEXANDRIA — The Saturday Art Market is an exciting opportunity for locals and visitors to gather at Big Ole Park on the north end of Broadway in Alexandria every Saturday this summer.

Attendees will be able to visit with local artists and shop their offerings. Coffee and food items will be available near the market and there will be live music every weekend.

The Art Market, which is held next to Alexandria’s Farmer’s Market, runs every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., May 25 through Aug. 31. Music will run from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. each Saturday.

Saturday, May 25, will feature ParaDocx. This duo of retired physicians, John Emblom and Bill Glade, formed 5 years ago. They play a variety of music, including country, pop and rock. They have performed regularly in a variety of settings including the entire 3 years of the Saturday Art


ParaDocx a musical duo of retired physicians, John Emblom and Bill Glade, will perform at the Saturday Art Market on May 25.

Contributed photo


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