Second annual survivor paint talk honors women fighting breast cancer

WACO, Texas (KWTX) – Every year thousands of women are diagnosed with breast cancer and even more have been affected by it in some way.

“When you’re in that situation, you get breast cancer… it feels like a death sentence. You don’t know what to expect, you don’t know how the journey’s going to end, or how it’s even going to start,” shared breast cancer survivor Sheree Morris.

On Sunday, Artist-N-U and the Northeast Riverside Neighborhood Association came together to put on the survivor paint talk, an event meant to celebrate survivors and encourage those still fighting.

Tashita Bibles, the organizer of the event and owner of Artist-N-U, shared what inspired her to make this happen.

“I know it’s a hard fight that they’re fighting… but I just wanted them for one night to just smile, laugh, enjoy themselves, have family and friends around, and make new friends. Just let their hair down for a night and just forget what they’re going through.”

They of course had painting, but also live music, gifts for the women there, and two guest speakers who both fought breast cancer.

One of these speakers was Jane Hodge, who was first diagnosed in 2004 on her right side. 15 years later in 2019 she was diagnosed again, this time on her left side.

“I feel like it’s an honor to sit here to tell ladies you know it’s going to be okay. You just got to keep your faith and that you got to keep moving you know… and keep telling yourself I can do this, I can hang in there,” Hodge explained.

Morris, who will be 11 years breast cancer free in April, also shared her story Sunday to give women hope.

“To hear someone else that went through it, and they’ve already been in your shoes, and hear they’ve come out on the other side of it cancer free… it’s an amazing feeling.”

But Sunday was also about educating women about breast cancer so they know what to look for and will go get checked every year.

“I know this isn’t something that we can necessarily prevent, but we can bring awareness and get ourselves more prepared for what’s ahead,” said Bibles.

All of the proceeds from Sunday’s event will go to four women who are currently fighting breast cancer, to help them keep going.

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