The Art of Delegation: 3 Ways Small Business Owners Can Work Smarter, Not Harder

The Art of Delegation: 3 Ways Small Business Owners Can Work Smarter, Not Harder


Small business owners around the world are keenly aware of how much work goes into the day-to-day operations of keeping their business going and growing. For this reason, it’s no wonder that many are constantly seeking ways to streamline processes and find ways to delegate tasks. While when we think about delegation, many of us may automatically assume this means spreading tasks among people, it’s also true that harnessing the power of innovating digital solutions can also ease a small business owner’s daily workload. If you are a small business owner trying to work hard, not smarter, let’s explore some ideas to help you master the art of delegation.

Embrace Data-Driven Decision Making

Gone are the days of a room full of decision-makers pouring over stacks of data to make decisions for the future. These days, small businesses can leverage data analytics to make more informed decisions. Some key ways that utilizing internal analytics can streamline day-to-day decisions include analyzing historical data and performance metrics to prioritize daily tasks, analyzing the workloads of overworked or underworked team members to distribute tasks more evenly, and analyzing customer feedback to help drive future innovation. While these are only a few examples of how data-driven decision-making can positively impact a small business, it’s clear that this approach can help any small business create operational efficiency.

Prioritize Customer Relationship Management

While there is a lot of debate within the business community about the true cost of customer acquisition versus customer retention, it remains true that it is much more cost-effective for a company to retain customers versus constantly having to acquire new ones. For this reason, small businesses should prioritize customer relationship management. Not only are loyal customers good for the bottom line, but they can become your influencers by promoting your business to friends and family, and filtering new customers into the top of your marketing funnel with little to no cost to your business. By tracking and reacting to customer feedback, a small business can better tailor their communication style and offer product innovation while enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

Harness the Power of an iOS Fax App

Though sending files through email is popular, sending large documents and sensitive information by fax is a much more secure way to send information. While the first question may be, “How do I fax from my iPhone,” the answer is quite simple – by installing an iOS fax app. Doing so will allow you to fax from your iPhone from anywhere in the world with ease. This not only allows you as a small business owner to quickly move on to the next text, but it also means you don’t have to be tied down to a bulky fax machine or stacks of paper. Using an iPhone fax app means that your sensitive information will be transmitted safely and securely, giving you peace of mind.

Small Changes Can Become Big Gains

Small business owners are on a constant quest to stay one step ahead of their competition, however, business owners risk beginning to be bogged down in day-to-day operations and losing sight of the bigger picture. To work smarter, not harder, small business owners can embrace data-driven decision-making, focus on creating and maintaining strong customer relationships, and take advantage of innovative and time-saving apps like iPhone or iOS fax apps. Ultimately, small changes can lead to big gains for a small business willing to make these changes.

Sean Michael

Sean Michael

Sean Michael is a writer who focuses on innovation and how science and technology intersect with industry, technology WordPress, VMware Salesforce, And Application tech. TechCrunch Europas shortlisted her for the best tech journalist award. She enjoys finding stories that open people’s eyes. She graduated from the University of California.

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