The important message behind eye catching art piece brightening up Worcester Plinth

The colourful and dynamic piece titled ‘PRISM’ is a collaboration between Worcester artist Lizzie Rodriguez and Worcestershire Snoezelen Centre, a multi-sensory therapy centre within our city.

The piece aims to embody the Snoezey environment’s vibrancy and exuberance, and was made possible thanks to funds from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund through Worcester City Council.



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Oliver Carpenter of The Worcester Plinth said: “PRISM is the first in a series of three sculptures for The Worcester Plinth where a local charity and artist collaborate to reflect or explore the actions of the charity.

“It gives the charity a different way to talk about what it does and, with this one, it has also been an opportunity for lots of people to contribute and support Lizzie’s idea to bring colour, movement and light to the heart of Worcester.

“These three works will be funded by money given to Worcester City Council by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (a UK Government fund) and we are very appreciative of the City Council team for selecting this project for funding.”

Jane Roberts, the centre’s chief officer, said: “Worcester Snoezelen is a very special place and we proudly celebrate the 30 years the charity has been developing.

“Our Plinth sculpture reflects the sensory centre, the colourfulness of our members and the cohesive approach the charity takes to celebrating sensory happiness for all.

“We hope you like the thousand beautiful ribbons blowing in the breeze created by our members, carers, families, staff and trustees inspired by our imaginative & talented artist Lizzie Rodriguez.”

PRISM, the fifth sculpture to grace The Worcester Plinth, will be on display by the riverside for around eight weeks.

Following this, it will find a permanent home around the Worcester Snoezelen’s sensory garden.

Other contributions to the city’s culture can be seen at the Fish Pass at Diglis, St John’s School and a private home in Worcester.

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