The Most Effective Social Network? Podcasters’ Answers May Surprise You.

The podcast tech company Alitu’s The Podcast Host has surveyed its community about the social media networks they are using, and which are working best to connect creators with their audience. It finds that Instagram is the most-used by podcasters to promote their show, with one in four (24%) saying they use the photo sharing network. Facebook ranked a close second, with 22% using that option. LinkedIn (15%) and X/Twitter (14%) follow.

The survey finds TikTok has also grown in use, but overall it remains a smaller factor for most creators. The survey shows one in ten (11%) podcasters use TikTok to promote their show.

But the question that really matters for most podcasters is which platform do they have the most success in terms of connecting with their audience. And The Podcast Host’s survey finds Facebook comes out on top. Three in ten (29%) of the creators surveyed picked Facebook, compared to one in four that selected Instagram as the social network with the biggest return.

“A lot of marketers consider Facebook a dead platform nowadays. But our survey data suggests there’s still success to be had there for podcasters,” says The Podcast Host in a blog post. “It may not be the sexiest tool, but recent studies have shown that Facebook is still the number one social media platform. According to our survey, it’s also the place that podcasters report having the most success with.”

The survey shows both LinkedIn (16%) and TikTok effectiveness aligns with their overall use levels, while X/Twitter underperforms. While 14% of those surveyed say they use X/Twitter, only 8% say they have the most success with it.

The Podcast Host says each of the social networks has pros and cons. It says Facebook may not be trendy, but its users remain highly engaged. It also benefits from the perception that it is a waste of time, allowing podcasters to stand out without lots of clutter. “This could make it a good platform to reach new listeners with targeted ads,” it recommends.

Among the people who took the survey, Instagram was cited by several as a place where they bring guests into the marketing process so they can capitalize on their networks. TikTok is seen as a good place to connect with younger listeners as the app’s users skew younger. “The platform’s powerful algorithm could also make your show easily discoverable to a niche audience,” the post suggests. And despite the limitations of X/Twitter in the eyes of many, The Podcast Host says it may be harder to reach new listeners on the platform, but survey takers’ comments suggest it’s still a decent platform for keeping in with your existing network.

See The Podcast Host’s guide to social media for podcasters HERE.

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