Three Years In, WiMM Continues to Showcase the City’s Brightest Women Artists

In celebration of Women’s History Month, we knew that we wanted to take extra care to shine a light on our city’s many excellent female musicians, something that Women in Memphis Music has been doing regularly since early 2022. This seemed like a good time to catch-up with artist Miz Stefani, the creator and curator of WiMM, about the group’s accomplishments, future plans, and the importance of women-centered showcases.

Let’s start at the very beginning. Tell us a bit about the formation of WIMM and the people behind it.

It had been an idea running through my head for a while since 2020/2021 when I’d see monthly listings at venues and wondering why I didn’t see many women acts on the boards when I was meeting so many female musicians around town. I’d run a successful live-streamed show in NY and thought, we should do that here, for women! I mentioned it to my friend Alice Hasen, who thought it was a good idea and WiMM was born. We enlisted a few others to help out and then in March 2022 we hosted our first showcase at BSIDE. It has grown from there and honestly, there really is no limit because if you can dream it up and execute it, it lives. Currently, it is a one-woman operation but we are always collaborating with other movers and shakers here.

      WiMM Founder Mix Stefani

      For those who may be unfamiliar with WiMM, give us an overview of your typical work and programming.

      WiMM is “Women in Memphis Music.” We are committed to providing a platform that highlights and uplifts female and female-identifying musicians and provides a space to connect and create a community that thrives, collaborates, supports, and promotes one another. That has been our mission statement from day one. We want to offer up-and-coming musicians trying to get their footing here in Memphis a resource and place to start by meeting other women musicians and a platform dedicated to highlighting their talents.

      Raneem Imam
      Photo: James Strickland

      You recently celebrated your third anniversary as an organization (Congratulations!). Reflecting back on the past three years, what are some of your personal highlights?

      Thanks! Hosting Carla Thomas’ 81st birthday will always remain a highlight. Hosting an all female-fronted music festival with all genres represented; from Glockianna to Joyce Cobb to Oakwalker to The KLiTZ. Seeing the crossover of women playing in each other’s bands at showcases is always cool. Hearing that musicians met at one of our events and play together now, is the reward! I purposely combine genres with each show to help “cross-pollinate” and introduce artists who may never cross paths otherwise. Having people come up to me after the shows to say what a beautiful night it was and they felt the good vibes of camaraderie and love through the evening always warms my heart. We are all in this together, unity is the only way!

      Carla Thomas
      Photo by Mid Stefani

      We certainly won’t ask you to pick favorites, but share some of the up-and-coming women artists that you think more people should have on their radar this year.

      There is simply no way I could pick any one artist or artists because with every show we host, I am constantly blown away with the talent in this city. The caliber of female artists here is vast and covers all genres! I invite people to check out our YouTube page that contains the last 3 years of archived performances and find your new favorite artist in the city! Or come to a monthly showcase! Nothing beats live music!

      Joyce Cobb
      Photo by James Strickland

      What are some of your plans for WiMM, both the in the near future and longer-term?

      We plan to keep hosting monthly showcases, happy hours, informational events, vocal workshops, representing at events across the city, connecting women, amplifying women’s presence in the music scene here and we’d love to produce another successful female fronted music festival! I’m sure other things will transpire as well, we want to keep growing and connecting.

      Lana J
      Photo by James Strickland

      What are the best ways to connect with WIMM, both for artists and fans?

      You can reach us anytime via email ([email protected]) for more information on how to be a featured artist and through our IG page (@womeninmemphismusic). We’d love to hear from you and if you are an artist, host you! We also hope to see you at a show soon!

      This post was originally published on this site