ReUse Action is known for a lot of things, especially when it comes to sourcing and selling reclaimed materials. Now, there is a new reclaimed element being offered at the salvage warehouse gallery – reclaimed art supplies.
The new art resource, called Transcreation, is located inside the ReUse Action store at 980 Northampton Street. Transcreation’s founder is Soren d’Lobita, a ReUse Action associate, curator, artist, preservationist, photographer, and craftsperson in training.
Anyone that remotely dabbles in art can tell you that art supplies tend to be expensive, which is unfortunate when you think that about the term “struggling artist.” For this reason, Transcreation (@saintrelictus) was launched, featuring “art supplies that range from $1 to $20 on average, with a mix of new and gently used materials,” according to d’Lobita, who is a recent graduate of @assemblyhouse150’s SACRA (Society for the Advancement of Construction Related Arts).
For anyone that has ever purchased art supplies, for themselves, their friends, or a family member, they understand that sometimes the supplies sit around not being used. Just think of all the house cleanouts, the apartment moves, and the well-intentioned artists that never get around to practicing their passions. A lot of times, art supplies sit unused, or are simply thrown out in the trash, which is unfortunate.
Now, there is a catchall for all of the art supplies that otherwise would be tossed to the curb, causing environmental harm, not to mention the missed opportunities for other artists.
“Are you an artist, crafter, or educator? Do your kids want to try new ways to be creative? Welcome to Transcreation Art Supplies. We gladly accept donations for Transcreation, with the exception of glitter and any hazardous materials.” – Transcreation
This new reclaimed art supply resource is located inside the store at ReUse Action – 980 Northampton Street. It is open Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 9am to 4pm.
Please send an email to d’Lobita at with any questions, donations, and ideas.